As your City Commissioner, Karen will work to expedite construction of new sewer plants and needed upgrades to the sewer lift stations. She will also work to ensure that the creeks, retention ponds, and culverts are regularly inspected and cleaned out to better handle the volume of water flowing into Winter Springs from upstream development.


Traffic flow is expected to increase in Winter Springs because of new development in neighboring communities, and the challenge is managing the commuter traffic at peak times. Karen believes it is critical that all means necessary are taken to reduce high-volume cut-through traffic in residential neighborhoods, and that this traffic should be monitored by periodic traffic studies.


Not having a professional City Manager has led to many of the management and personnel issues experienced by the City such as City Audits and late Financial Reports. Karen will support a new City Manager who is tasked with recruiting and staffing the City Departments and overseeing the day-to-day operation of the City.


Winter Springs drinking water meets and exceeds the State and Federal requirements for safety. Karen will advocate for engineering plans to evaluate upgrades to our drinking water plants to reduce the objectionable taste and smell experienced by some residents.